.Thursday, June 18, 2009 . 10:48 PM
Yesterday woke up to meet my anisah to finish up my undones,in the end still can't finish.Haha i'm juz like that,super lazy, so everything need to hand up in 29 of June which i left only about 11 days, actually of i want 1 day i also can finish but my mind juz can't concentrate.
Anyway while we were on our way back with anisah,justin,ifah to school.i bought a cup of bubble tea.Don't know why my mouth juz so itchy and go drink inside the train and got myself fine.wa piang eh,really suay to the max!ok nvm is my fault anyway.
BUT!!!!the officer offended me!come straight away shouted "IC" from me..si bei rude lo..fine fine la..shout for wad so many ppl will see one right!..bloody idiot, if i never wear my sch uniform,i sure shout back with u!anyway i did sarcastic back with the officer haha i said"ic ic la,so fierce for wad, action klk..after that i took my hp out, i wrote down his name ALFIE TIAN FU PIN,after that then he started to be scared and be very polite,BUT IS TOO LATE!i even want to whack his face at that time!u think i will let him off so easily.wait long long!anyway i have done what i need to do.
Met up ky and yt at night at ky house there.model yt model ky.Photographer of the day Me and also ky lo=)went home after that and sleep after my bath and complains hahaha!
mid of july will be going for an interview,there's alot of thing i need to prepare myself.my hair la, my cert here, appraisel letter, i hope i won't lose cat's and her husband face.
Recently so lazy,like eg today woke up at 12plus and watch tv all the wat till 4 plus and prepare to go wrk after that,sooner or later i will become lazy bum liao.Hope before i start my FT job i can make full use of time with the ppl i want to, but still abit hard, when i'm free the other party might not be free.Within this period i will try to do all the things i wanna or have to do de=)
Entertainment pic of the day=)

this picture actually took quite long ago le.Haha,he's the best helper and cheerful person in PK anyway=)CHEERS!
Basketballer No.5.
.Wednesday, June 17, 2009 . 1:04 AM
Recently was busy with my assignments and projects etc. Sunday went out early in the morning, afternoon meet up amalina to help me on my proj met up with lao ma zi(irene) for dinner last minute.Juz projection spends me like few hours le lor.Sianz.amalina chats with irene and mas while i'm hearing and doing my wrk at the same time.Best!hahaha..dinner on irene's treat,owe her a meal liao lor..think her bdae will treat back her again=)bought essence for her bdae.
Monday home projects assignment for 5hours at home and went to amk for my dinner with ky,after that cyn's chaffeur came!dare to bluff me AH SAM DRIVE?!?!?!qi you ci li..haha okay anyway free transport for me and ky and went to timah with wm,cyn,sam for pratas..long time never had a pratas meal le..last one is still with Qy at yck.Anyway had many laughter..cramp my stomach lor..never expect there's so many joker in our sec sch..think back and say out will really cry out our laughters lor!!!
1.oh wan xin
went to don know whose condo and see ambience.
Mans and womans conversations
"why emperor die so early"
"why man will go find another gal even when they already had one"
"why womans pregnant"
"why some womans can't pregnant"
come and ask me why if u wanna know..haha.
now i have so many name from cyn and wm liao lor,
"kim ban lok"
"kong long"
"xiao hong"
"hong hong"
seriously don know how ur can think of lor.!basketball hahaha!
i wan learn cantonese hokkien and teochew so i can communicates easily=)
anyway some cantonese songs r really nice.
today went to work and catherine told me so many things that i find it so true, but sometimes i juz find that what i wanna do is beyond my ability.
But "still can find ways de if i really wants", that's what she said.
Really wanna thanks catherine for so many help.
my studies, career, my so many even when i tell her about the person i had crush on all she really advice and guide me alot ever since i work there,seldom can find such a perfect manager!she knows i can help her alot, but because of my futures she really help me to think where i should go next...
so many million thanks to her.Find one day really must buy her a dinner liao.even though she always ask me to clean this and that up, but i'm very willing.I can learn even more on cleaning,anyway that's better lor..keep me moving when there's no customer so i won't become like hippo=)so actually can say that i love working with her.If she needs any of my help i will find all my means to help her!cheers=D
p/m:sometimes u r cold sometimes u r warm sometimes u r normal...what r u really thinking of?Do u know what i'm thinking of?
entertainment pic of the day
this is joumie,her birthday gift from catherine but i chose for him,haha..that's how he wore
Basketballer No.5.
.Sunday, June 07, 2009 . 2:17 AM
finally went out again after cooping at home for days..
shop shop shop
eat eat eat
drive drive drive..straight straight straight to "KAMPONGS"
drive chat eat..
round and round and balek kampongs
though not much things to shop..but craps and chats still cheer the day up..
Sometimes i juz do think that things is better to clarify out rather than keeping it to urself.Misunderstanding juz will continue and drags..
sometimes i really don understand why like that.
Let it be bah.I don have the power/ability to change anything.
Basketballer No.5.
.Friday, June 05, 2009 . 12:22 AM
Morning late for wrk again sia...
die..i hate ppl who works late..yet myself still like that..haiyoyo..hahaha..i muz change change change..
lunch busy..dinner so free..so done housekeeping.
ok anyway looking forward ah sam drives la.!!hahaha.
cyn bringing a hailer and mmmm...psssst
playing new map on L4D w yt jayven ky lo!..
and our drink drank drunk session...
power..i won't dou de..chiong ah
17th june is coming..dead date..left 12 days which is like not even 2 weeks..
will get prepared everything well n nice for max.passed passed passed..lazy lazy lazy!there there there here here here!!!!...wooosssshhhh...
Basketballer No.5.
.Thursday, June 04, 2009 . 12:24 AM
went out with ah sam and cyn to cwp to eat pizza hut.
I'm juz a typical s'porean who can complain easily.haha..but i don find any thing i complain is wrong de lei..
COS IS FACT LO..hahaha..got discount in the end after using my power english to talk with the mgr.
told sam and cyn .when i wrk in a restaurant whenever these kind of customer complain is because they juz wan discount that's y they make a big fuss and bla bla bla..hokkien"gien peng gien sai" ..now i'm the customer so my thinking is like i gien peng gien sai at least cheaper lor!!hahahaha!!!..
But seriously if the service is ok i also ok de lei.
why want to give me see so many mistakes..like juz 1 or 2 i still can endure..wapiang eh..so many lor..my temper of cos will rise till very high la!!
ah sam still can say" i and cyn wait for u outside first ah"..haha bastard!
went to face shop to acc cyn buy the nail polish this and that la..in the end i spend the most inside.HAHAHA..listen..good..ok..buy..DIE!..
thinking of 1 thing that might be funny.Collecting coins of 1 dollar for marriage.
Hahaha sounds lunatic ah..But i believe miracle might happens hoh?=D
alot of thing starts from 1 dollar!!HAHAHAHA!!!if really cannot then also can find other thing to do.
sometimes i'm thinking...
at a point of time i can be very friendly suddenly quiet suddenly noisy.i never know what's my next reaction,always!
i can suddenly say i wan learn bike..think le learn car better..suddenly this and that.
I'm juz complicated, never make a decision easily cos of hesitation.if i make a reckless decision and i upset/hurt anybody i will regretted and upset as well.
now i'm trying to have the concept
................................................................................ decision made wrongly find another way out..try to make up the wrongs. But never give up one thing easily.though it might be hard at least u tried!but say easy hard to do lor!haha..
But if making a decision that will make someone unhappy i will start to find a way to make things the best.But sometimes things that comes out from my mind is like shit lor.never a good thing.sometimes even make thing worst.
Facial washy washy when i'm backed from my tummy exe=D
Basketballer No.5.
.Wednesday, June 03, 2009 . 4:09 AM
morning woke up around 10plus..
bathe le and went to woodlands to check my CPF thingy and so went to find my mum after that.
Anyway my medisave is only 600plus..
thinking if i extract my wisdom tooth out will need more than that..so thinking of using my mum's medisave instead.But scare lor, thinking if i can endure the pain and don extract out anot.
went to plaza sing to meet qy,xy,ama=D..at first really very full,cos i eaten at around 3plus at my mum's place.After that i suddenly hungry when i see swen's menu, like so tempted for their bake rice so got salmon mush bk rice for myself=)
Actually also don wan smoke de.But got tempted lor, somebody keep asking me go smoke smoke smoke, so really got tempted le then call jayven to acc me liao lor.
At first thought jayven finishing wrk at 11..so thought of gg to find yt 1st instead of waiting for her lor..bastard, in the end still very long!always last min.so from PS we walk to CINE and find yt then later on last min decide again gg back khatib and chat,slack=D.
went home about 3plus..same skill=)...
sometimes i was just thinking of what i hav already decided.But still have hesitation here and there.I'm juz always so complicated.
"Love the way u smile
Love the way u talks
Love the way u silence yourself"
-Just Love The Way You Are- =D
Basketballer No.5.